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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Iza Mokrosz, wire series


I have worked at Art Interiors for seven years, and have had the honour of crossing paths with hundreds of talented artists, fascinating clients and dedicated designers.

My curiosity however was never fully satisfied. Consequently, I, along with fellow A.I. staff, are dedicating ourselves to getting inside the minds of artists and the homes of clients (that boast fabulous art collections) and behind the motives of designers. This is a platform to showcase Canada's creative talent and those who support it, as told by a group of girls who see the world through art.


-Patricia Ritacca

1 comment:

  1. Patricia as I sit n the airport awaiting my delayed flight to Italy, your blog helps me pass time and see how artwork translates to the walls outside of AI. Grazie Mille...Wondering what I'll paint next...
